Since its inception five years ago, the 2030 Water Resources Group has been working help address water scarcity problems in different parts of the world. Built on unique partnerships, one of the Group’s main goals is to bring practical analysis to the limelight to help address the problem – always in collaboration with strategic partners and water experts. On previous occasions this analysis was restricted to print. This time we’re trying something different, something more dynamic. And with this tool, we hope that you’ll be better informed and inspired to act.
We’re keeping this practical. In collaboration with Arup, we scoured the globe for examples of measures taken to address the water scarcity problem and display them as case studies you can learn from. They cover a wide range of common water scarcity challenges, as well as their proven solutions. Browse through them all or filter through those of most interest to you. Share examples with others and follow us on Twitter for updates to these case studies, the site in general, and news from 2030WRG. You can also download the full in-depth catalogue above.