Advanced Pressure Management

City of Cape Town, South Africa

Khayelitsha is one of the largest townships in South Africa with a population of 450,000. It is located approximately 20km from Cape Town Central Business District. In the early 2000s, an investigation into leakage levels established that the water lost could almost fill an Olympic sized swimming pool every hour. The main source was identified as household leakage, and in particular poor quality plumbing fittings that have been badly damaged through constant exposure to high pressure.

The leakages resulted in very high water use in most properties and high levels of non-payment, since the customers couldn’t afford to pay for new taps and toilet fittings, let alone their high water bills. The Khayelitsha Pressure Management Project was therefore commissioned in 2001 to improve the level of service to the community by reducing the excessive water pressure and pressure fluctuations in the reticulation system, particularly during the off-peak periods of low demand. This specifically involved measuring night flows to estimate leakage levels, extensive community consultations, locally available labor construction, and advanced pressure management techniques. 

At a program cost of US$700,000, funded by the municipality, water savings were immediate, sustainable and exceeded the most optimistic projections, amounting to almost 40% of the original supply. Awareness and education helped create consumer support for water efficiency, and the 9,000,000m3/year savings achieved represent US$5,000,000 per annum of bulk water purchases. 
Intervention features:

Pressure management in municipalities, Stakeholder Engagement

Water scarcity impact

Reduced withdrawal

Reduced consumption

Improved water quality

Increased productivity

Improved net basin impact

volumetric impact

9,000,000 m3/yr

Aquifer Recharge with Stormwater

Salisbury, Adelaide, Australia

Overall water demand in the Adelaide metropolitan area is around 200,000,000m3/yr. In a dry year up to 90% of that must be met from the highly stressed River Murray which suffers from increased salinity, over extraction, increasing pollution and dying ecosystems. By 2003 Adelaide experienced extensive water restrictions, a first since a major transfer pipeline was built nearly 50 years earlier.

​As a result a number of strategies have been developed to address the supply demand imbalance and secure sustainable water supplies into the future. Recognizing that up to 90% of demand for potable water supply could be replaced with a non-potable supply, the City of Salisbury implemented the collection, storage and distribution of stormwater run-off that would have otherwise discharged into the Gulf of St Vincent.

At a project cost of US$57,000,000, funded by grants and money borrowed by the City against future sales to customers, managed to treat and reuse 5,000,000m3/year of non-potable water. Twenty percent of all injected water was maintained within the aquifer to store treated water, energy costs reduced due to reduced salinity, and consumptive use from evaporation was minimized. 
Intervention features:

Groundwater recharge, Non-potable water distribution system, Stormwater harvesting

Water scarcity impact

Reduced withdrawal

Reduced consumption

Improved water quality

Increased productivity

Improved net basin impact

volumetric impact

5,000,000 m3/yr

Behavioral Change Initiative

Zaragoza, Spain

Zaragoza, located in Northern Spain, launched its Water Saving City project in early1997, two years after a major drought affected 11 million people state-wide. The aim of the project counted on changing wasteful water behavior and increasing efficient use. The goal – reducing 1,000,000m3 of domestic water in one year – was both set and achieved.

​The project has shown that it is possible to deal with a shortage of water in an urban domestic setting, using a cost efficient, quick, ecological and contention free approach. Using a partnership approach, with funding coming through multiple sources (mostly through The European LIFE programme), the project focused on public engagement through the media, educating younger generations, and developing material for its citizens to read.

The impact was substantial. In nine years since the project’s launch, the population of Zaragoza increased by over 12%, yet daily water use reduced from 848,000m3 to 615,000m3 in the same period. Per capita use also reduced from 150 liters/day in 1997 to 99 liters/day in 2012.
Intervention features:

Stakeholder Engagement , Subsidies for the purchase of domestic water saving appliances

Water scarcity impact

Reduced withdrawal

Reduced consumption

Improved water quality

Increased productivity

Improved net basin impact

volumetric impact

1,176,000 m3/yr

Direct Dry Cooling in the Power Sector

Matimba, South Africa

Eskom, South Africa’s and the African continents leading electricity supplier, is a government owned utility that provides electricity to almost 95% of all end users in South Africa, and close on 60% of the entire electricity consumption on the African continent. Eskom’s coal fired power stations are steam driven using highly purified water; there is an effort to recover and re-use water due to the high costs of production and water scarcity. Eskom’s Matimba Power Station in Limpopo is an example where direct dry cooling has been implemented to reduce water consumption.

​Matimba Power Station is the largest direct-dry-cooled station in the world, with an installed capacity of greater than 4,000MW. It makes use of closed-circuit cooling technology reducing water consumption to around 0.1 liter per kWh of electricity distributed; this, in comparison to wet cooling system power stations use 1.9 liters per kWh is a significant reduction. Driven by the need to secure water resources in the medium and long term, the Matimba example has achieved a water savings of 62,500,000m3/year. 
Intervention features:

Direct dry cooling for power generation

Water scarcity impact

Reduced withdrawal

Reduced consumption

Improved water quality

Increased productivity

Improved net basin impact

volumetric impact

62,500,000 m3/yr

Domestic and Business Retrofit Project

Sydney, Australia

In response to long-term drought, Sydney Water launched the 'Every Drop Counts' initiative. In the past Sydney Water implemented infrastructure upgrades to dams, networks and wastewater treatment facilities. However, it was also realized that the demand for water consumption also needed to be addressed.

​The initial aim of the program was to encourage residents of Sydney to consume less domestic water. Since then, Sydney Water has expanded the initiative to incorporate businesses, helping them to reduce their water consumption and to benefit from reduced costs. They did so by promoting the use of efficient devices, inspect mains infrastructure, reach out to and work with the business sector to identify solutions, educate them on water management, and encourage them to participate.

The program, at a cost of US$240,000,000, Sydney Water since 2001 has helped save 12,410,000m3/year which would otherwise have been lost to the ocean. Water use per capita was reduced from 411 liters/day in 2001 to 297 liters/day in 2012. In terms of infrastructure maintenance, 18,080km of mains were inspected and repaired, saving more than 20,000m3/year in reduced leakage.
Intervention features:

Domestic leakage detection and repair, Low flow showerheads, Low flow taps , Low flow toilets , Smart metering, Stakeholder Engagement , Water Audits

Water scarcity impact

Reduced withdrawal

Reduced consumption

Improved water quality

Increased productivity

Improved net basin impact

volumetric impact

12,410,000 m3/yr

Emergency Water Demand Management

Beaufort West, South Africa

Beaufort West, a town situation on the main road between Johannesburg and Cape Town receives a highly variable average rainfall of only 265mm/year and relies heavily on water stored in a single dam. By the end of the 2008/09 rainy season water reserves were very low and in November 2009 the town’s main water source, the Gamka Dam, ran dry.

​The crisis situation at Gamka Dam can be attributed to several factors, namely, low rainfall, uncontrolled water consumption (up by 44% in six years), insufficient planning and the high cost attached to new water resource development options. More important than the contributing factors however was the reaction; by the time the town emerged from the crisis it had been transformed into a model of water conservation and demand management. This was achieved through several measures including a public awareness campaign, reduced consumption through pressure reduction, an aggressive water tariff structure, and the construction of a wastewater reclamation plant.

At a capital cost of US$3,500,000 the reaction provoked the construction of two new water sources to guarantee stability – a groundwater and wastewater reclamation plant producing potable water. Mentalities in the town changed, and the water resources were overall improved. The overall volumetric impact of the program is 730,000m3/year.
Intervention features:

Municipal leakage detection and repair, Stakeholder Engagement , Wastewater recycling for potable use, Water tariff management

Water scarcity impact

Reduced withdrawal

Reduced consumption

Improved water quality

Increased productivity

Improved net basin impact

volumetric impact

730,000 m3/yr

Groundwater Conservation

Republic of Yemen

Yemen is a water scarce country and is reliant on groundwater as its primary source of its water supply, 90% of which is used for agriculture using water intensive irrigation practices. Abstraction from deep aquifers has resulted in rapid decline in its groundwater resources, not only increasing the cost of abstraction but also reducing the country’s ability to meet its current and future needs.

​The Government of Yemen, in collaboration with The World Bank, implemented the ground water conservation project in 10 of the 13 catchments in the country, with focus on sub-catchments where aquifer depletion rate was most critical. An integrated approach using a combination of supply side and demand side interventions was implemented to increase the available supply as well as to reduce the demand on groundwater. Water User Associations were created to help educate the farmers about water efficient irrigation practices, improve communications between government officers and farmers, and to help monitor and regulate abstraction of groundwater.

At a program cost of US$56,000,000 the project not only surpassed its objectives of improving the sustainability of the groundwater resources (83,000,000 m3/year), it also achieved a 6% to 15% increase in crop yield per unit of irrigation water and strengthened key institutions that work and assist the agricultural sector.
Intervention features:

Bubbler Irrigation Systems, Drip irrigation systems, Education, technical training and capacity building, Groundwater recharge, Institutional reform, Rainwater harvesting , Replacement of irrigation channels with pipes, Sprinkler irrigation systems, Stakeholder Engagement

Water scarcity impact

Reduced withdrawal

Reduced consumption

Improved water quality

Increased productivity

Improved net basin impact

volumetric impact

83,000,000 m3/yr

Groundwater Recharge

Omdel Dam, Namibia

Many of Namibia’s settlements are situated in very arid areas and depend entirely on groundwater for their water supply. Perhaps the most extreme examples are the coastal settlements of Walvis Bay, Swakopmund and Henties Bay which depend on groundwater stored in the coastal aquifers of the Kuiseb, Swakop and Omaruru Rivers. Rapidly growing water demand in the 1990s, exacerbated by a series of very dry years and declining water levels in the Omdel aquifer, the areas required action.

​In order remedy the situation, attention was focused on the Omdel aquifer near the mouth of the Omaruru River which had the largest storage capacity at 150 000 000m3. Previous research had also identified that natural recharge in the system was reducing as a result of heavily silt-laden floodwaters clogging normal recharge pathways. The scheme involved the construction of a large dam just upstream of the aquifer to catch the occasional floodwaters for subsequent controlled release to the aquifer through enhanced infiltration.

With a capital cost of US$16,800,000, the result of the project was that extractable recharge of the Omdel aquifer more than doubled from 3,500,000m3/year to about 7,130,000m3/year. This, combined with the sustainable yields from the Kuiseb and Swakop Aquifers, raised the total extractable volume to 10,930,000m3/year.
Intervention features:

Capture of floodwaters, Groundwater recharge, Management of evaporation losses

Water scarcity impact

Reduced withdrawal

Reduced consumption

Improved water quality

Increased productivity

Improved net basin impact

volumetric impact

3,630,000 m3/yr

Improved Water Distribution Management

Lower Vaal River Catchment, South Africa

The Lower Vaal River Catchment supplies water to much of South Africa’s industrial and commercial heartland. The 29,181ha irrigation scheme in place is the largest in South Africa, and must reduce pressure on this crucial water source. As one of the first irrigation schemes to be handed over by the Government to the private sector, it faces the challenge of self-sufficiency in a testing environment.

​The Water Use Association (WUA) in the Lower Vaal area manages the distribution of irrigation water to hundreds of farmers over 1,120km of ageing canals and 1,873 abstraction points. The process needed to make it more efficient required difficult institutional reform combined with critical self-examination of operation and management practices. Coupled with a lack of adequate funding for expensive infrastructure improvements, the challenge was met using a variety of interventions leading to significant water savings.

At a project cost of US$148,000, the WUA implemented a Water Administration System tailored for the management of irrigation scheme water distribution systems to reduce loses. This enabled the water released into the system to drop by 11,580m3/ha, saving a total of 14,150,000m3/year. In addition to the savings, the scheme improved its overall competitiveness and improved crop yields per unit of water abstracted.  
Intervention features:

Drip irrigation systems, Fertigation systems, Institutional reform, Irrigation metering, Irrigation scheduling, Micro jet irrigation, Remote monitoring and sensing in agriculture, Sprinkler irrigation systems, Stakeholder Engagement

Water scarcity impact

Reduced withdrawal

Reduced consumption

Improved water quality

Increased productivity

Improved net basin impact

volumetric impact

14,150,000 m3/yr

Improved Water Management for Sugarcane Production

Godavari Basin, India

India is the world’s largest sugar consumer and the second largest producer. The livelihoods of almost 35 million people are dependent on sugarcane production, grown on over 4.1 million hectares nationwide. Yet, productivity is highly variable from 40 tonnes per hectare (t/ha) to 269t/ha. The discrepancy is attributed to the fact that sugar cane farmers in the region have little incentive to save water. As a result whilst the annual irrigation requirement is around 1,600mm, the average application of water is up to 4,000mm.

​The project intervention focused on introducing improved water management practices to reduce water use, in parallel with improved crop practices to increase crop yield. The program started small but grew to encompass over 1,000 farmers. Specifically, the project implemented several irrigation-related interventions, including: replacing serpentine irrigation with furrow irrigation, making irrigation scheduling dependent on estimated soil moisture content and crop demand, and applying mulching to conserve soil moisture. 

At a program cost of US$744,000, it is estimated that the intervention resulted in reduced water usage of up to 22,080,000m3/year over an area of 8,000ha and an increase in crop yield of up to 20%. Farmers also benefited with a 30% increase in gross profit margins due to a complementary incentive scheme promoting higher quality cane sugar.
Intervention features:

Furrow irrigation, Irrigation scheduling, Mulching

Water scarcity impact

Reduced withdrawal

Reduced consumption

Improved water quality

Increased productivity

Improved net basin impact

volumetric impact

22,080,000 m3/yr

Improving Water Availability through Wastewater Treatment

Segura River, Spain

The Segura River is about 350km long and flows from west to east discharging into the Mediterranean on Spain’s east coast. It passes through the entire region of Murcia, which hosts a population over two million yet has the lowest annual rainfall in the European regions. For that same reason its basin experiences an acute supply-demand imbalance. To make matters worse the water that is available is of extremely poor quality, thus further straining the resource’s availability.

​This project, implemented over a 10-year period, improves available resource through the capture and treatment of urban and industrial wastewater flows and returning them for direct or indirect re-use in irrigation. A key element to the project’s success was the enaction of policy and legislation that enforces the “Polluter Pays” principle, enabling waste water treatment and recovery to be operated on a cost recovery basis. The project required the construction of 97 advanced wastewater treatment plants, 350km of sewer, and the introduction of a robust system to monitor industrial discharges.

At a project cost of US$917 million, 75-80% of which received co-funding from European Funds, it achieved 100 million m3/year of wastewater return flows that were previously unusable. It was also able to make a connection to 99% of urban areas to sewers and substantially increase the river’s quality for the people of Murcia and beyond.
Intervention features:

Improvement in water quality, Institutional reform, Remote monitoring and sensing in agriculture, Wastewater reuse for agriculture

Water scarcity impact

Reduced withdrawal

Reduced consumption

Improved water quality

Increased productivity

Improved net basin impact

volumetric impact

100,000,000 m3/yr

Integrated Watershed Management

Adarsha, Kothapally, India

Land degradation is a serious problem in many parts of the world, impacting particularly on rain-fed subsistence or semi-subsistence farming areas where the availability and quality of land and water resources is critical to survival. In India there is an urgent need to address natural resource degradation in rainfed areas. The Adarsha Watershed Management Project at Kothapally in Andrha Pradesh, implemented by a consortium of interested parties, is an example of how sustainable watershed programs can be successfully carried out.

​Kothapally village comprises 465ha of mainly cultivated undulating farmland with a population of 1,492 supported by semi-subsistence agriculture in the area. The level of resource degradation before project implementation was serious – characterized by low rainwater use efficiency, high soil erosion and a lack of soil stabilization or infiltration enhancement mechanisms. The project placed an emphasis on community-based integrated watershed management, engaging all tiers of the community. Interventions have resulted in improved infiltration, reduced soil loss, increased groundwater levels, improved land cover and vegetation, increased productivity, and positive changes in cropping patterns.

At a program cost of US$90,000 the project, in its three years of implementation, succeeded by increasing groundwater storage (equivalent to nearly 1,000,000m3 of water, or 330,000m3 / year), changing cropping patterns, increasing yields, and reducing soil loss thereby positively impacting downstream quality.
Intervention features:

Education, technical training and capacity building, Furrow irrigation, Groundwater recharge, Institutional reform, Remote monitoring and sensing in agriculture, Stakeholder Engagement

Water scarcity impact

Reduced withdrawal

Reduced consumption

Improved water quality

Increased productivity

Improved net basin impact

volumetric impact

330,000 m3/yr

Irrigation Management

Orange-Senqu Basin, South Africa

Most of the Orange-Senqu Basin – shared by Lesotho, South Africa, Botswana and Namibia – is arid to semi-arid. It is one of the largest basins in southern Africa and also one of the most developed. Irrigation in the region is a major consumer of water using approximately 2.5 billion m3 / year, corresponding to 20% of the virgin mean annual runoff and 54% of total consumptive demand excluding environmental requirements. The sector is often accused of being both wasteful and relatively unproductive.

The main crops that grow in the area - lucerne, potato, groundnut, maize, oats and barley - are difficult to grow profitably, hence the negative perception. Changes needed to be made, to ensure the financial survival of the farmers in the Upper Orange River Catchment through increased productivity as well as reduce the amount of water withdrawn. The approach taken includes a legal and institutional reform driving the establishment of a self-sufficient Water User Association, advanced metering and the establishment of a virtual water bank, targeted stakeholder consultations and modernization of the irrigation infrastructure and management systems.

At a capital cost of US$250,000, the project successfully improved productivity in terms of crop per drop with average yield across the scheme increasing by approximately 25%, long-term financial sustainability of the irrigation scheme, and a total annual irrigation demand reduction of 7 percent, from 187,600,000m3 to 174,400,00m3. The project further empowered those involved with the Water Use Associations in the area, through capacity building and an increased understanding of water issues within local decision making.
Intervention features:

Enforcement of quotas, Fertigation systems, Institutional reform, Irrigation metering, Irrigation scheduling, Sprinkler irrigation systems, Water entitlement trading

Water scarcity impact

Reduced withdrawal

Reduced consumption

Improved water quality

Increased productivity

Improved net basin impact

volumetric impact

13,200,000 m3/yr

Irrigation Network Renewal

North Victoria, Australia

The Golburn-Murray Irrigation District (GMID) covers 68,000km2 and is Australia’s most extensive irrigation network with water. Parts of the irrigation system were antiquated with inefficiencies in the water supply system resulting in high water use. The North Victoria Irrigation Renewal Project (NVIRP) covers 85% of GMID area, and was established to reduce leakage in the irrigation water supply system and improve the efficiency of on-farm irrigation systems.

​The Project involved real-time monitoring and control of flows, lining the main channel, installing sprinkler and drip irrigation system and a central data repository of irrigation system flows and abstractions. The water entitlement aspect of the project was developed to help transition from inefficient practices and low value crops to efficient practices and higher valued crops, improving the overall economic productivity of the GMID.

At a project cost of US$1.29 billion, funded in large part by the Government of Victoria, the project succeeded in improving the channel’s water supply efficiency from 79 percent to 92 percent, based on volumes of water delivered. In terms of water withdrawal in agriculture, it managed a notable reduction of 204,387,000m3 due to reduced evaporative losses and reduced return flow. 
Intervention features:

Drip irrigation systems, Irrigation metering, Lining of irrigation channels, Remote monitoring and sensing in agriculture, Replacement of irrigation channels with pipes, Sprinkler irrigation systems, Water entitlement trading

Water scarcity impact

Reduced withdrawal

Reduced consumption

Improved water quality

Increased productivity

Improved net basin impact

volumetric impact

204,387,000 m3/yr

Irrigation Optimization

Soetmelkvlei Farm, South Africa

Soetmelkvlei Farm is a 183ha owner-managed irrigation operation on the Orange-Riet Irrigation Scheme. Precise irrigation scheduling, defined loosely as the process used by irrigation system managers to determine the correct frequency and duration of watering, is possible here because the Orange-Riet Water User Association operating the Scheme manages a distribution system that allows farmers to place water orders daily. While the thinking of many farmers on the Scheme is focused on minimizing costs, at Soetmelkvlei the philosophy is to maximize yield.

​Since there are no realistic opportunities for the introduction of lucrative cash crops, efforts have been directed towards getting the best results out of the crops traditionally grown such as maize, wheat, dry bean and lucerne through a combination of approaches. These include both the implementation of the latest equipment, effective irrigation systems, and the use of various management and decision support systems. The reduced use of water has allowed the farm to increase the area under productive irrigation with no increase in allocation.

At a capital cost of US$400,000, the project successfully increased crop yield per unit of water withdrawn compared to other farms in the country and internationally. A reduced fertilizer bill resulting from a targeted application of fertilizer to crops and additional outcomes resulted in a total volumetric impact of 627,000m3/year.
Intervention features:

Fertigation systems, Fixed overhead sprinkler system, Irrigation metering, Irrigation scheduling, Remote monitoring and sensing in agriculture

Water scarcity impact

Reduced withdrawal

Reduced consumption

Improved water quality

Increased productivity

Improved net basin impact

volumetric impact

627,000 m3/yr

Irrigation Scheduling in Grape Farming

Shelanu Farm, South Africa

Shelanu Farm is situated on the southern bank of the Orange River from which it abstracts its water supply. All of its 28.7ha are used to grow table grapes that are exported (mainly) to the United Kingdom in November, earlier than other producers, allowing it to command a good selling price. Because UK supermarkets require an audited water footprint for each kg of grapes exported, there is real pressure to minimize the volume of water abstracted.

​In order to minimize water use Shelanu Farm, a small but highly intensive farm  using modern technology, optimized its water irrigation scheduling based on data automatically received from soil moisture (capacitance) probes and analysis using a sophisticated computerized monitoring and management system. Soils around the farm vary considerably and the automated system allows variable irrigation cycle time depending on soil type and soil moisture status.

At a capital cost of US$215,000, the combination of scheduling and other measures permitted a reduction in irrigation water per hectare of 20% from 15,000m3 / year to 12,000m3 / year. The project also resulted in a 35% reduction in the water footprint per kilogram of grape and a 20% increase in crop yields. 
Intervention features:

Fertigation systems, Irrigation metering, Irrigation scheduling, Micro jet irrigation, Mulching, Remote monitoring and sensing in agriculture, Shade netting

Water scarcity impact

Reduced withdrawal

Reduced consumption

Improved water quality

Increased productivity

Improved net basin impact

volumetric impact

86,000 m3/yr

Leakage Reduction in a City

City of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

The City of Jeddah is Saudi Arabia’s largest city and with a population of 3.5 million and an annual rainfall of just 84mm. It is highly water stressed and depends upon desalination for the majority of its water supply. Current demand is 1,200,000m3/day and is forecast to increase to 20,000,000m3/day by 2029.

​In 2008 a joint venture of Acwa Power and Suez Environment were awarded a seven-year water services management contract, under which a number of measures have been implemented to reduce unaccounted for water. The project was divided into two pilot stages, the first targeting the implementation of Pressure Regulating Valves in 16 district zones, and the second targeting the installation of advanced automatic network pressure management and control systems for two of the districts serviced in stage one.

The first pilot stage resulted in water savings of 12 percent equivalent to saving 4,300m3/day, a reduction of leaks by 50 percent, and expanded continuous service to 20 percent of customers. The second pilot stage achieved an additional 10 percent or the equivalent of 3,200m3/day of water loss savings and an extra average pressure decrease of 20 percent. Because the majority of the water supply comes from desalination, it’s assumed that leakage is a consumptive demand lost to saline sources; a reduction in leakage therefore results in a reduction in consumptive demand.
Intervention features:

Municipal leakage detection and repair, Pressure management in municipalities

Water scarcity impact

Reduced withdrawal

Reduced consumption

Improved water quality

Increased productivity

Improved net basin impact

volumetric impact

2,737,000 m3/yr

Leakage Reduction in Primary Schools

Upington, South Africa

The Keidebees and Vele Langa Primary Schools in Upington were showing unacceptable levels of leakage. The need to respond was identified during an inspection of plumbing fittings for visual leakage in public buildings in and around the town, and further underlined by an examination of consumption levels and water bills being paid by schools. The focus on primary schools was selected to serve as a cost-effective model for other schools and public buildings.

​The significance of the project is in its simplicity and cost-effectiveness, if only because it can be easily replicated at thousands of other schools and public buildings leading to huge water savings. More significantly, much of the “wasted” water that was targeted by this type of project would otherwise be lost to evaporation and evapotranspiration rather than making its way back to the resource base via return flows or groundwater recharge. The project – by conducting a situational analysis of water meters, identifying and repairing leaking fittings, and analyzing outcomes from a cost-benefit analysis – showed how carefully planned and properly implemented interventions can lead to tangible and significant results in a short period of time.

The capital cost for the projected amounted to just under US$5000, financed by the Department of Water Affairs, showed immediate water savings in the order of 50m3/day between both schools. Average water bills at Keidebees and Vele Langa were halved paying for the original investment within six months. Students, in turn, were exposed to the importance of water conservation through an education and awareness building session that could potentially have positive long-term effects. 
Intervention features:

Municipal leakage detection and repair

Water scarcity impact

Reduced withdrawal

Reduced consumption

Improved water quality

Increased productivity

Improved net basin impact

volumetric impact

19,000 m3/yr

Managing Evapotranspiration Using Quotas

Hai Basin, China

The Hai Basin is home to over 120 million people and is spread over four provinces and the municipalities of Beijing and Tianjin that, alone, account for some 15% of China’s GDP. Expectedly, water has played a pivotal role in the development of the Basin, which now faces serious water-related problems, including pollution, scarcity, diminishing supplies and flooding. Water availability per capita in the Hai Basin is only 14% of China’s national average and about 4% of the global average.

​Because overexploitation of groundwater across the basin is estimated to be 9 billion cubic meters annually, a program was developed to address the supply demand balance within the river basin, recognizing the impacts downstream. A 7-year program was developed (ending in 2011) that involved the implementation of an integrated water and environmental management strategy in 16 separate counties. The approach included the use of water quotas, a basin wide data management, the engagement of local communities, metering and legislation.

At a program cost of US$14,800,000, the pilot proved successful in implementing reduced water quotas against improved water management practices, whilst supporting growth in farm incomes. At one village location (village) water quotas actually reduced usage by approximately 40% (from 570,000m3 / year to 350,000m3 / year), while continuing to meet farmers’ requirements for irrigation water.
Intervention features:

Enforcement of quotas, Institutional reform, Irrigation metering, Remote monitoring and sensing in agriculture, Replacement of irrigation channels with pipes, Stakeholder Engagement

Water scarcity impact

Reduced withdrawal

Reduced consumption

Improved water quality

Increased productivity

Improved net basin impact

volumetric impact

265,000,000 m3/yr

Managing Water Towards Zero Discharge

Lerma Chapala Basin, Mexico

The Lerma Chapala Basin in Mexico is responsible for over 50% of Mexico’s exports and is home to over 10 million people. Yet, the basin is under extreme pressure from water scarcity with an aggregated annual deficit of up to 1.8 billion m3/year. The main water resource in the basin, groundwater, is already heavily overexploited and with increased activity could pose a significant risk.

​In 2010 Procter and Gamble (P&G) established the Planta Milenio manufacturing facility in the basin. In order to minimize business risk and environmental impact the plant was designed to minimize the volume of water that would be abstracted from the basin for business operations. The total groundwater abstraction of the site had the potential to be in order of 480,000m3/year, however through the use of key measures such as extensive on site recycling, low water use fittings and rain water harvesting the total abstraction was reduced to 254 000m3/year. While the volume of water used by the plant remains largely unchanged, the volume of abstracted groundwater has been reduced by nearly 50%.

At a project cost of US$1,900,000, financed entirely by P&G, the 3000 person facility was fitted with flow plumbing fittings to reduce domestic water use, a reverse osmosis process to recycle waste streams from the water treatment plant, and rainwater harvesting measures, among others.
Intervention features:

Industrial water metering, Low flow showerheads, Low flow taps , Low flow toilets , Wastewater re-use as cooling water

Water scarcity impact

Reduced withdrawal

Reduced consumption

Improved water quality

Increased productivity

Improved net basin impact

volumetric impact

226,000 m3/yr

Metering of Non-Revenue Water

Ekurhuleni, South Africa

Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality (EMM) is the industrial heartland of South Africa, supplying approximately 314,000,000m3/yr to 800,000 households. Unfortunately, metering / monitoring the Municipality’s top consumers had not been a high priority for many years, resulting in many of the existing consumer’s supply meters to either break or become unreliable. Without a realistic sense of consumption, especially to industry, non-revenue water was estimated to be around 50% of the water actually being used.

​In 2010 EMM launched, as a result of the significant gap, a campaign to consolidate multiple connections into single metered supplies. While the replacement of meters was the main feature of the project, other important components included identifying illegal connections and repairing leaks.

The project ended up being the overall winner of the South African Government’s 2012 Water Conservation Awards and is now being extended to include almost 25,000 additional bulk consumer meters. Extensive work was done with consumers to explain the whole process; as a result, despite the fact that around 75% of them would be faced with increased water bills, there was no resistance to the project. Overall, the project achieved a volumetric impact of 5,800,000m3/year.
Intervention features:

Industrial water metering, Removal of unmetered water supplies, Stakeholder Engagement , Water Audits

Water scarcity impact

Reduced withdrawal

Reduced consumption

Improved water quality

Increased productivity

Improved net basin impact

volumetric impact

5,800,000 m3/yr

Mine Water Recycling

East Kimberley, Western Australia

Rio Tinto’s Argyle Mine is located in the East Kimberley region of Western Australia. The mine consists of an open pit and underground development project, processing plant, two accommodation villages, an airport and ancillary facilities. In 2006, during a proposal to expand the facility, the Argyle Mine identified significant water losses in their storage facility.

​The 2006 expansion provided the opportunity to change how water was managed on site and initiated a series of site interventions to reduce the amount of freshwater abstracted from Lake Argyle, replacing it instead with lower quality water mainly abstracted from mine dewatering activities. The project involved the construction of two dams to collect the lower grade water, recycling in the washing process through the use of a retention pond, and consultation with traditional owners on the issues at hand.

At a capital cost of US$4,500,000, financed by Rio Tinto, the project achieved a 96 percent reduction in water abstraction from Lake Argyle between 2005 and 2011. It further reduced the cost of pumping water, and managed to recycle 40 percent of Argyle Mine’s water. The total volumetric impact of this project stands at 3,492,000m3/year.
Intervention features:

Rainwater harvesting , Wastewater reuse in mines

Water scarcity impact

Reduced withdrawal

Reduced consumption

Improved water quality

Increased productivity

Improved net basin impact

volumetric impact

3,492,000 m3/yr

Pilot Low Cost Irrigation Scheduling

Punjab, India

Punjab, a state located in the northwest of India, produces 20% of the nation’s wheat, 11% of its rice and 11% of its cotton from only 1.5% of its geographical area. Since 1970, Punjab has seen growth in its agricultural production; however, this growth has been dependent on increasing exploitation of groundwater for irrigation. The over exploitation of groundwater has resulted in a perceived threat to national food security.

​An investigation was undertaken to find a solution that farmers could implement into their farming methods in order to reduce water consumption and then, in the future, seek a scaling up of that strategy. Tensiometers were trialed and made attractive to farmers through a structured field test, the results of which could then be used to predict water savings on a much larger scale.

With a program cost of US$660,835, funded by PepsiCo Foundation, water usage by participating farmers was reduced from 3,448,000m3 to 2,800,000 m3 over the span of 3 years. The program also resulted in a 19% reduction in withdrawals, leading to a 24% mean reduction in energy use per acre.
Intervention features:

Bubbler Irrigation Systems, Capture of floodwaters, Condensate recovery and reuse, Condenser process retrofit, Direct dry cooling for power generation, Domestic leakage detection and repair, Drip feed application to leach pads, Irrigation scheduling, Soil moisture content monitoring

Water scarcity impact

Reduced withdrawal

Reduced consumption

Improved water quality

Increased productivity

Improved net basin impact

volumetric impact

216,000 m3/yr

Pressure Management in Municipalities

Sebokeng and Evaton, South Africa

Maintenance of water supply networks in many low-income urban areas in South Africa such as in Sebokeng and Evaton have been neglected over 30 years, resulting in serious service delivery problems and water wastage. The combination of low income and high unemployment levels produced a general deterioration of internal plumbing fittings causing high levels of leakage. Before the project, it was estimated that approximately 80% of the water supplied to the area was wasted, representing a water bill of around US$20m annually. Due to the fact that very few consumers pay their bills, this cost had to be absorbed by the utility and municipality.

​To tackle the problem, a pressure management system was installed to control the pressure of the incoming bulk water, allowing for a reduction of supplied water to Sebokeng and Evaton during off-peak periods with a consequent reduction in leakage. The project was constructed using labor-based methods and a high level of stakeholder consultation to ensure positive support from the affected communities.

At a capital cost of US$1,350,000, funded by the private sector on the basis of a payment mechanism linked to saved bulk water costs over a 5-year period, the project achieved a 10,000,000m3/year reduction in withdrawals from bulk water sources. It also resulted in an improved status of the municipality enabling to access additional funding for water demand management activities, as well as a catalyst for other water demand interventions.
Intervention features:

Pressure management in municipalities, Stakeholder Engagement

Water scarcity impact

Reduced withdrawal

Reduced consumption

Improved water quality

Increased productivity

Improved net basin impact

volumetric impact

10,000,000 m3/yr

Reducing Business Risk through Municipal Leakage Reduction

Emfuleni, South Africa

Emfuleni Local Municipality (ELM) is located in the catchment and experiences annual mean water losses of 44% (36 000 000m3), and in some areas in excess of 80%. Like many other South African municipalities, it doesn’t have the necessary capacity, instruments or resources to reduce its water demand in the integrated Orange-Senqu River System, already under extreme water stress.

​The intervention to improve conditions involves a public-private partnership between several key players (industry, local government and funding agencies), and their attempt to reduce water risks, stress and costs, while increasing water supply to the municipality. This requires a high of buy-in from stakeholders, education and capacity building, repairs and reinvestment of audited ring-fenced savings to ensure continued intervention over the next two to three years.

At a project cost of US$2,500,000 the municipality achieved 10,000,000m3/year in the first phase, forecasted to increase to 12,000,000m3 by 2014. It also made financial savings of almost US$10,000,000 that are expected to be reinvested for further savings. Finally, the sustainability of the project is ensured by the human capital invested in through capacity building within both the municipality and local communities.
Intervention features:

Education, technical training and capacity building, Flow monitoring in municipalities, Municipal leakage detection and repair, Pressure management in municipalities, Replacement of tap and toilet washers, Stakeholder Engagement

Water scarcity impact

Reduced withdrawal

Reduced consumption

Improved water quality

Increased productivity

Improved net basin impact

volumetric impact

10,000,000 m3/yr

Reducing Water Losses in a Large Distribution Network

City of Johannesburg, South Africa

Reducing water losses is a priority for Johannesburg Water. It is the biggest user of water from the Vaal River which depends on transfers from the Senqu River in Lesotho. With a massive customer base of nearly four million, an 11,300km water distribution network, 86 reservoirs, 33 water towers, 108 bulk water supply meters and an average daily demand of 1,366 000m3, losses do add up.

​There is real pressure on the city to reduce and stabilize demand. To resolve the matter a number of measures were taken, these include: the replacement of water mains across the city, pressure management aimed at reducing night time pressures, active and passive leakage controls, continuous monitoring of reservoirs and towers, and other infrastructure upgrades.

At a capital cost of US$98,000,000, funded from a combination of operating and capital expenditure, the project achieved numerous outcomes. In its first 12 months, for example, the replacement program led to a 77 percent reduction in pipe bursts and improvements to the level of leakage repairs resulted in about 10,000,000m3/year in water savings. Many more are detailed in the full case study download.
Intervention features:

Municipal leakage detection and repair, Pressure management in municipalities, Water metering in municipalities

Water scarcity impact

Reduced withdrawal

Reduced consumption

Improved water quality

Increased productivity

Improved net basin impact

volumetric impact

51,250,000 m3/yr

Regional Water Conservation Program

Seattle, USA

The Saving Water Partnership (SWP) is a group of utilities within Seattle & King County formed with the objective of reducing water demands while the economy and population of the region continue to increase. In many ways it was a preemptive strike at reducing the water supply arising from climate change and the predicted high future cost of water.

​In the year 2000 the SWP, covering a service area of 1.3 million people, implemented a program promoting a per capita reduction in water use by 1% per year for ten years.  Implementation of the program consisted of various measures including but not limited to: low flush and low flow home utilities, and rebates to customers who purchase low water use technologies. At a cost of US$33,000,000, financed through tariffs, the program achieved water savings of 3,700m3 / day, the installation of nearly 350,000 water use fittings, and more.  The program was a success – consumption in the region is at the lowest it has been in fifty year.
Intervention features:

Education, technical training and capacity building, Low flow showerheads, Low flow taps , Low flow toilets , Sprinkler irrigation systems, Stakeholder Engagement , Subsidies for the purchase of domestic water saving appliances, Water saving washing machines, Water tariff management

Water scarcity impact

Reduced withdrawal

Reduced consumption

Improved water quality

Increased productivity

Improved net basin impact

volumetric impact

13,250,000 m3/yr

Use of Seawater in Dual Municipal Water Supply

Hong Kong, China

Hong Kong has limited freshwater resources within its administrative boundaries. Its 7 million residents currently consume 951,000,000m3 of freshwater every year, 80% of which is purchased and conveyed from Guangdong Province in China. Before the 1960s water purchasing agreement, shortages and rationing were very common with many instances when water was supplied for only a few hours every three or four days, posing a significant public health risk.

​The project to use seawater for flushing toilets was initiated 50 years ago, and has helped to ensure that the city is able to meet its water demands. Since its launch, the system has expanded and now comprises 45 service reservoirs, 40 pumping stations and over 1,400km of pipes with corrosion protection. The seawater is available using a dual reticulated water supply; it’s also given free of charge to all consumers.

The fixed asset cost of the seawater infrastructure, estimated at $737m by the Water Serviced Department of Hong Kong, has been a success. Currently, 22 percent of the total municipal water demand is met by seawater. Due to seawater’s reduced need for treatment and conveyance, the city benefited from lower energy use. Overall the project has resulted in a volumetric impact of 271,000,000m3/year.
Intervention features:

Dual piped water supply system, Seawater for toilet flushing

Water scarcity impact

Reduced withdrawal

Reduced consumption

Improved water quality

Increased productivity

Improved net basin impact

volumetric impact

271,000,000 m3/yr

Wastewater Reclamation and Reuse Network


Singapore has a population of over five million people demanding 1,700,000m3 of water each day. This demand is forecast to double within 50 years, with 70% of that increased demand coming from the non-domestic sector. Although rainfall does average 254mm/yr, Singapore has limited natural water resources due to its small land area and, as a result, has historically relied on imported water.

​In the late 1990s Singapore initiated a program to become increasingly self-sufficient in its water supply. One component of the program, called NEWater, involves the collection of treated wastewater flows that would have otherwise been discharged to the ocean. Between 2002 and 2010 the program further established four NEWater plants with a capacity of 500,000m3/day. Singapore also implemented an extensive water sampling and testing program to publicly demonstrate the safety of reclaimed water by distributing it in bottles.

As a result, NEWater gained acceptance as a legitimate source of water. Growth in its use increased from 27,000m3/day in 2003 to 350,000m3/day in 2012, thereby offsetting the withdrawals required from existing freshwater sources. As of today NEWater meets 30 percent of Singapore’s water demand, and is projected to meet up to 55 percent demand by 2060.
Intervention features:

Stakeholder Engagement , Wastewater recycling for industrial use, Wastewater recycling for potable use

Water scarcity impact

Reduced withdrawal

Reduced consumption

Improved water quality

Increased productivity

Improved net basin impact

volumetric impact

127,750,000 m3/yr

Wastewater Reclamation to Meet Potable Water Demand

Windhoek, Namibia

Flanked on both sides by deserts, Namibia is amongst the most arid countries in the world. Windhoek, its capital, is situated in the central highlands with a mean annual precipitation of 370mm, evaporation of over 3,000mm and 750km from the nearest perennial river. For more than five decades Windhoek has managed to stretch its limited potable water resources through strict water management, including wastewater reclamation and direct potable reuse.

​Part of a larger comprehensive program decades in the making to ensure water security for the city, direct potable water reuse in Windhoek actually started back in 1968. The scheme, in an effort to update and become more efficient, received an upgrade in 2002 in the form of a new plant designed to provide a replenishing source of drinking water from wastewater. It furthermore forms part of a total re-use system in which very little water is either wasted or returned to the river system. At a cost of US$27,000,000, financed in large part by the KFW and the European Investment Bank achieved several key outcomes, the most notable being that the project makes an additional 7,500,000m3 /year of potable water available at a similar cost to other sources.
Intervention features:

Stakeholder Engagement , Wastewater recycling for potable use

Water scarcity impact

Reduced withdrawal

Reduced consumption

Improved water quality

Increased productivity

Improved net basin impact

volumetric impact

6,700,000 m3/yr

Water Authority Conservation Program

Nevada, USA

The Las Vegas Valley is extremely arid and is classed as having a subtropical desert climate, with extremely high summer temperatures and high evapotranspiration. Since 2000 the valley has been suffering from a severe and ongoing drought. Most of the water used in the Valley is withdrawn from the Colorado River via Lake Mead, then returned as treated effluent back to the Colorado River.

​The security of supply is dependent upon reducing per capita demand, in particular those arising from landscape irrigation and evaporative cooling which make up 60% of the total demand. Subsequently, the Southern Nevada Water Authority (SNWA) instituted a number of aggressive water conservation programs from 2000 onwards that included monetary incentives, education and regulatory policies. Specifically, policy measures included new building codes, tiered water rates and restrictions on landscape irrigation.

At a program cost of US$218,000,000, paid through in rebates for employing water saving measures, Nevada managed to reduce landscape water use by 34,500,000m3/year, cover 29,800 pools (reducing water use by 1,500,000m/year), construct 1,254 water efficient homes (reducing water use by 1,236,000m3/year), and other key outcomes. Cumulatively, these measures have helped to reduce per capita daily use by 30% by 2011 and reduced water demand by 51 926 000m3/year.
Intervention features:

Revision of building regulations, Stakeholder Engagement , Subsidies for the purchase of water saving appliances in commercial premises, Water tariff management

Water scarcity impact

Reduced withdrawal

Reduced consumption

Improved water quality

Increased productivity

Improved net basin impact

volumetric impact

51,926,000 m3/yr

Water Demand Management Scheme

Drakenstein, South Africa

The Drakenstein Municipality, located in the Western Cape province of South Africa has a total population of 224,240. In 1999, faced with an annual growth in water demand of 3.5% and non-revenue water standing at 33%, it decided to take action to mitigate a potential impeding water crisis.

​The action taken took the form of a comprehensive water demand management program with six goals in mind: reduce the high percentage of non-revenue water, reduce high static water pressures, reduce average daily demand, increase total revenue, provide constant and efficient service to consumers, and conserve water that was becoming increasingly scarce.

At a project cost of US$2,000,000, Drakenstein Municipality lowered non-revenue water from over 33 percent to just under 11 percent in a twelve year period. Water demand was furthermore reduced from 17,800,000m3/year in 2000 to 11,900,000m3/year in 2011, representing major savings on water purchases from the bulk water supplier. These results and more have allowed Drakenstein to currently rank as among the best municipalities in South Africa with regards to water use efficiency.
Intervention features:

Municipal leakage detection and repair, Pressure management in municipalities, Stakeholder Engagement , Water metering in municipalities, Water tariff management

Water scarcity impact

Reduced withdrawal

Reduced consumption

Improved water quality

Increased productivity

Improved net basin impact

volumetric impact

5,900,000 m3/yr

Water Demand Management Strategy


The Public Utilities Board, Singapore's national water agency, recognized that projected population growth would lead to an increased future water demand. As a result, it developed the ‘Four National Taps’ Strategy meant to diversify the sources of water available. But, securing an adequate supply is only half of the challenge for Singapore; managing demand is of equal importance.

​Key to managing demand has been facilitating behavioral change in water use and consumption. The campaign to manage demand in Singapore is known as the “3P approach” and encourages everyone (People, Public, Private) to take ownership of water resource management. Also central to this approach is the Active, Beautiful, Clean Waters (ABC Waters) Programme, which enhances Singapore’s water infrastructure bringing people closer to water, so they can better appreciate, cherish and ultimately value that water.

As a result of the campaign and ABC Waters Program, reduction per capita use reduced from 165 liters/day in 2003 to 152 liters/day in 2013, with an aim to drop to 147 liters/day by 2020.  Overall, Singapore’s water demand management strategy has achieved a total volumetric impact of 1,818,000m3/year.
Intervention features:

Revision of building regulations, Stakeholder Engagement , Water metering in municipalities, Water tariff management

Water scarcity impact

Reduced withdrawal

Reduced consumption

Improved water quality

Increased productivity

Improved net basin impact

volumetric impact

1,818,000 m3/yr

Water Efficiency Audits of Steam Systems

Melbourne, Australia

susceptible to drought and climate variability. City West Water (CWW), located in Melbourne, is one of the city’s three retail water businesses, providing a variety of services to business customers. Over 100 of CWW’s large business customers use steam within their processes, a notable water resource.

​To improve on water resource efficiency, CWW in 2010 launched a program focused on assisting business customers better understand how they can make steam systems more efficient. Steam systems were targeted because energy efficiency improvements are typically effective with a high likelihood of implementation. The program involves conducting site audits and the provision of training courses, as well as investigating and implementing technical improvements. CWW also offers grants for cost effective water efficiency actions to leverage business sector investment.

At a project cost of US$278,000, the program has to date achieved water savings of 11,000m3/year and greenhouse gas reduction of 893 tons CO2 equivalent. Other actions being implemented or planned will achieve reductions in withdrawal of 100,000m3/year of water, 53,400GJ/year of gas, 68,000kWh/year of electricity and 2,823 tonnes CO2e/yr greenhouse gas reductions.
Intervention features:

Condensate recovery and reuse, Education, technical training and capacity building, Prevention of operation of water tank overflows, Provision of grants, Steam leakage reduction, Water Audits

Water scarcity impact

Reduced withdrawal

Reduced consumption

Improved water quality

Increased productivity

Improved net basin impact

volumetric impact

11,000 m3/yr

Water Loss Management Program

New South Wales Regional Water Utilities, Australia

Between 2000 and 2010 Australia experienced extended periods of drought that increased the strain on water resources. In response to this, the Water Loss Management Programme (WLMP) was jointly initiated between the Local Government Association of New South Wales (NSW) and the Shires Association of NSW, the Water Directorate and the Australian Government through the Water Smart Australia program.

​The aim of the WLMP was to support smaller Local Water Utilities (LWUs) in their efforts to reduce leakage from their drinking water distribution systems. The batching of projects under WLMP also allowed eligibility with federal government funding criteria. Specialist knowledge and equipment were provided to LWUs in order to help identify, develop and implement leakage reduction projects; these included the installation of flow meters and pressure reducing valves, as well as the establishment of distribution zones.

At a project cost of US$9,200,000 (2013 prices), funded through Government, LWUs and in-kind contribution from other partners, eighty investigation projects were undertaking with 75 Local Water Utilities. The program achieved on-going water savings of 5,518m3/year, as well as 1 million kWh in energy savings and 1.2 million Kg CO2e in emissions. 
Intervention features:

Education, technical training and capacity building, Flow monitoring in municipalities, Municipal leakage detection and repair, Pressure management in municipalities, Stakeholder Engagement

Water scarcity impact

Reduced withdrawal

Reduced consumption

Improved water quality

Increased productivity

Improved net basin impact

volumetric impact

5,518,000 m3/yr

Water Optimization in the Mining Sector

Lomas Bayas Copper Mine, Chile

Xstrata Lomas Bayas copper mine is located 120km northeast of the port of Antofagasta, Chile. The mine, producing approximately 75,000 tons of copper each year is located in a desert with an annual rainfall of approximately 1mm. Xstrata’s copper operations use a process called heap leaching where a mildly acidic solution is sprayed over crushed copper ore to leach out the mineral; the process uses a significant proportion of the mine’s total water demand.

​The site's water withdrawal is restricted to 5,794,000m3. In order to continue expanding its operations without relying on additional water resources, Lomas Bayas investigated opportunities to improve its water efficiency, including replacing the original leach pad sprinkler system with a drip system that significantly reduced the water lost to evaporation.

At a project cost of $US1.1 million, the results have been notable. Between 2008 and 2013, the evaporative loss in the leaching process was reduced by 54 percent from 9.8 to 4.5 liters of water per square meter per day. Compared to the previous sprinkler system, the drip feed system optimized the use of water of the Lomas Bayas site by 19 percent.
Intervention features:

Drip feed application to leach pads

Water scarcity impact

Reduced withdrawal

Reduced consumption

Improved water quality

Increased productivity

Improved net basin impact

volumetric impact

0 m3/yr

Water Reclamation for Reuse and Groundwater Recharge

Orange County, Florida, USA

The City of Orlando and Orange County, in order comply with a court decision and cease discharge of treated municipal waste into watercourses draining into a lake and its adjacent reserves, co-developed the Conserv II project to upgrade the wastewater treatment systems.

​Designed in collaboration with the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the project also included the construction of a new reclaimed water distribution network and the construction of Rapid Infiltration Basins for groundwater recharge. At a project cost of $US344 million, financed primarily through municipal bonds complemented by a grant from the US EPA, it succeeded in eliminating discharges to the lake thereby improving its water quality. It also reclaimed a total volume of 58 million m3 of water per year. 
Intervention features:

Groundwater recharge, Non-potable water distribution system, Reduced water rates for reclaimed water, Wastewater reuse for agriculture

Water scarcity impact

Reduced withdrawal

Reduced consumption

Improved water quality

Increased productivity

Improved net basin impact

volumetric impact

14,150,000 m3/yr

Water Recycling in Paper Production

City of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

The Middle East Paper Company (MEPCO) is a paper producing company based in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia – a city with extremely limited access to natural water resources. The paper producing plant is classed as a water intensive operation and is governed by an operating license granted by the local environment authority. In 2006 the company increased its production capacity from 100,000 tons/year to 250,000 tons/year, and in 2010 this further expanded it to 400,000 tons/year, thereby substantially increasing the demand for raw water.

​In order to minimize business costs and water demand MEPCO developed an on site water recycling process. This involved the installation of screens, drum filters, dissolved air flotation units and gravity filters. The company also installed an effluent treatment plant.

At a capital cost of US$5,700,000, funded entirely by MEPCO, plant water demand reduced from 20,000 liters to 5,000 liters per ton of product, adding to the total reduction of 6,000,000m3/year. The return on investment for all technologies installed only took approximately two years. The plant also recycles 2,500kg of paper each day.
Intervention features:

Wastewater recycling in paper production

Water scarcity impact

Reduced withdrawal

Reduced consumption

Improved water quality

Increased productivity

Improved net basin impact

volumetric impact

6,000,000 m3/yr

Water Recycling in the Food Sector

Durban, South Africa

Durban, located on the eastern coast of South Africa, is one of the country’s fastest-growing cities and its second-largest industrial center. It is an area with high water stress and is expected to become dependent on desalination in future years. The demand for water by the industrial sector presents an additional challenge to the city authorities in meeting the water supply needs of the city and effective management of water resources.

​Unilever, a global consumer goods firm, opened their $72m factory in Durban in 2012. It’s their second largest dry food goods factory. To reduce the use of municipal water supply, the factory makes use of alternate sources of water, such as rainwater harvesting from a 22,000m3 roof and condensate recovery. In addition, it recycles most of the process water and greywater produced in the factory.

At a capital cost of US$2,900,000, the factory has become one of the most water efficient dry food producing factories. Under normal circumstances, the need to use water from the municipal supply has been virtually eliminated, making available up to 12,000m3 of water for the local community each year.
Intervention features:

Condensate recovery and reuse, Greywater recycling, Rainwater harvesting , Wastewater recycling in the food industry

Water scarcity impact

Reduced withdrawal

Reduced consumption

Improved water quality

Increased productivity

Improved net basin impact

volumetric impact

12,000 m3/yr

Water Reuse in the Power and Steel Production Sector

Gujarat, India

The Essar steel and power plants are located in Gujarat, India. The power plant is a multi-fuel combined-cycle plant using 3,900,000m3 of water per year and generating 515MW of power. The Essar steel facility, the fourth largest in the world, is located adjacent to the power plant and can produce ten million tons of steel per year. Both plants abstract water from the river Tapti and wastewater effluent is discharged into the sea.

​In order to reduce the combined water footprint of the sites, the power plant cooling system has been improved to reduce freshwater demand. Blowdown water that was previously discharged to the ocean is now transferred to the steel plant. In addition, wastewater from the steel facility is being treated for reuse in the power plant and for localized irrigation of landscaping.

At a project cost of US$380,000, funded by Essar Gujarat, results point to an 86 percent reduction of power plant wasterwater that would have otherwise been discharged into the ocean. The steel plant, in turn, now uses 45 percent of recycled wastewater. The total volumetric impact of the project stands at 1,479,000m3/year.
Intervention features:

Condenser process retrofit, Reuse of cooling blowdown water, Wastewater reuse in power generation , Wastewater reuse in steel production

Water scarcity impact

Reduced withdrawal

Reduced consumption

Improved water quality

Increased productivity

Improved net basin impact

volumetric impact

1,479,000 m3/yr

Water Reuse in the Textile Sector

Tiruppur, India

Tiruppur is a mid-sized industrial town located in the upper hydrological basin of the Cauvery River. The basin suffers from water scarcity due to erratic seasonal rainfall, limited reservoir capacity and a high demand on the already limited resource. The city is also the hub of India’s textile industry accounting for 80% of national knitwear production and generating over $1 billion of exports per year. The river and groundwater system the industry uses suffers from severe water quality issues as a result of effluent discharges. This in turn has affected the agricultural potential of downstream lands.

​To address the matter, the Indian High Court mandated zero liquid discharge from the textile industry. As a result of the decision, nine existing effluent treatment plants were upgraded with a combined reverse osmosis and thermal evaporation system, enabling 96% of the effluent to be treated and returned as freshwater. 

At a cost of US$84,000,000, financed by government grants, soft loans and industry, the project accomplished a reduction in demand on the municipal water supply by 876,000m3/year. Dye salts are now recaptured from the effluent stream for industry use resulting in higher quality water for areas downstream. Though expensive, the investment is expected to have a payback period of 15 years.
Intervention features:

Condensate recovery and reuse, Improvement in water quality, Wastewater reuse in textile industry

Water scarcity impact

Reduced withdrawal

Reduced consumption

Improved water quality

Increased productivity

Improved net basin impact

volumetric impact

876,000 m3/yr

Water Use Reduction Strategy in the Food Sector

Mossel Bay, South Africa

Towards the end of 2010, the Western Cape region experienced its worst drought in more than 130 years. In the Mossel Bay area, the level of the Wolvedans Dam dropped significantly threatening the operation of the Nestlé factory, which processes condensed and powdered milk.

​The project involved the implementation of a water use reduction strategy, which included actions such as an active monitoring of water use, engineering interventions to enable condensate reuse, retrofitting low flow plumbing fixtures, and active employee participation.

At a cost of US$145,000, fully financed by Nestle, the strategy was successful in reducing the plant’s water consumption by approximately 50% from 284,000m3/year to 163,000m3/year. Per ton of product, water withdrawal also became much more efficient, dropping from 14.8m3 to 7.5m3. Geographically, the reduced withdrawal resulted in greater water availability for the Mossel Bay area.
Intervention features:

Condensate recovery and reuse, Education, technical training and capacity building, Employee Participation, Industrial water metering, Low flow showerheads, Pressure management in factories, Stakeholder Engagement

Water scarcity impact

Reduced withdrawal

Reduced consumption

Improved water quality

Increased productivity

Improved net basin impact

volumetric impact

120,000 m3/yr